
2022年12月26日—1.OpenDropboxpreferencesandgotoSelectiveSyncsettings.2.InsidetheSelectiveSyncsettings,youshouldnoticethecorrespondingPanda ...,5天前—ClicktheSynctab.Checkthefoldersyou'dlikesavedonyourharddrive.Uncheckthefoldersyou'dlikeremoved.ClickUpdate.,2024年8月19日—Youcanpausesyncingfor30minutes,1hour,Untiltomorrow,orIndefinitely.Whensyncingispaused,changestoyourfileswon'tautomaticallyupda...

How to stop syncing a folder without removing it from ...

2022年12月26日 — 1. Open Dropbox preferences and go to Selective Sync settings. 2. Inside the Selective Sync settings, you should notice the corresponding Panda ...

Selective sync overview

5 天前 — Click the Sync tab. Check the folders you'd like saved on your hard drive. Uncheck the folders you'd like removed. Click Update.

How to pause and resume file syncing

2024年8月19日 — You can pause syncing for 30 minutes, 1 hour, Until tomorrow, or Indefinitely. When syncing is paused, changes to your files won't automatically update in the ...

How do I stop some files from being synced with dropbox?

2023年8月28日 — Take the files out of Dropbox folder on computer and place elsewhere and Dropbox will remove. Could put on usb key. To be honest had same issue ...

How to fix Dropbox not syncing and other issues

2024年7月15日 — If your Dropbox desktop app is stuck syncing, waiting to sync, or not starting to sync, it may be due to your network settings or firewall.

How to set a file or folder to be ignored

Set a file or folder to be ignored by DropboxNavigate to the file or folder you wish to set to be ignored.Right-click on that file or folder to pull up the context menu.Hover over Dropbox.Click Don't sync to Dropbox.com.2024年3月4日

How to check if your files and folders are syncing

7 天前 — Click the Dropbox icon in your taskbar (Windows) or menu bar (Mac). · The sync status displays at the bottom of the window that appears. You may ...

How do I permanently stop a huge sync?

2023年1月4日 — Click on it and then, hover over the syncing status showing at the bottom of the window. Do you see an option to pause syncing there perhaps?


2018年2月1日 — Solved: Can I stop syncing with a folder? We have a folder that is very large and my laptop has run out of storage.

To turn off automatic syncing of files in a shared Dropbox ...

2023年8月9日 — A prompt will appear asking if you want to stop syncing the folder. Confirm your choice by selecting Stop syncing or “Pause syncing”. Once you ...